Me atrevería a decir que Marruecos es seguro, pero no hay que ser ingenuos, se deben tener en cuenta medidas preventivas de seguridad personal como poner el equipaje y el dinero a buen recaudo.
Es imprudente moverse con grandes cantidades de dinero en efectivo u objetos de valor, sobre todo en las grandes ciudades como Tánger, Fez y Marrakech.
Tampoco es prudente enseñar mucho dinero para pagar cosas de poco valor. Así que el taco es mejor que lo llevéis escondido y no en la cartera.
Los hoteles son seguros y permiten dejar el dinero guardado antes de salir.
Os recomiendo viajar con maletas que tienen clave y dejarla siempre cerrada a cal y canto cuando salís de la habitación. Si ponéis siempre el mismo número podréis comprobar si os lo han intentado manipular en la habitación del hotel.
Si viajáis en vehículo privado no dejéis cosas de valor a la vista. Pueden romperos un cristal.
En Marruecos hay dos tipos de policía: la Gendarmería, cuyos oficiales visten uniformes de color gris, se encarga de los controles en las principales vías de comunicación, en los cruces y en las entradas a las ciudades, de modo parecido a la Guardia Civil.
Por otro lado está la Sureté Nationale que viste de uniforme azul marino o de paisano, el equivalente a nuestra policía nacional. Cualquiera de los dos te puede pedir el pasaporte, que es obligatorio llevar consigo en todo momento
El teléfono de emergencias de la policía es el nº 19
Marruecos en general es un país seguro. Hay policía por todas partes y su principal cometido es cuidar del turismo y evitar el pillaje.
No obstante conviene estar alerta y desconfiar de los numerosos guías voluntarios que se ofrecen para ayudarnos. La picaresca existe y son muy persistentes. En muchas ocasiones hemos dicho no a estos falsos guías y es como si les diese igual.
Definitivamente esto es algo con lo que hay que convivir sobre todo en las grandes ciudades.
I would say that Morocco is safe, but do not be naive, you should consider preventive safety measures put personal baggage and money safe.
It is unwise to move large amounts of cash or valuables, especially in big cities like Tangier, Fez and Marrakesh.
Nor is it wise to teach a lot of money to pay for things of little value. So the taco is better than hidden and not bring forth in the portfolio.
The hotels are safe and allow for leaving the money saved before exiting.
I recommend you travel with suitcases are always key and leave it closed up tight when you go out of the room. If you put the same number you can check if you have tried to manipulate in the hotel room.
If you travel in private vehicles do not leave valuables in sight. They can break your glass.
In Morocco there are two types of police, the gendarmerie, whose officers wear gray uniforms, is responsible for controls on the main roads, at intersections and entrances to cities, similarly to the Guardia Civil.
Then there is the Surete Nationale in uniform or civilian navy, the equivalent of our national police. Either you can ask the passport, which must be worn at all times
The emergency number for police is number 19
Morocco is generally a safe country. There are police everywhere and its main task is to take care of tourism and prevent looting.
However it should be alert and wary of the many volunteer guides who offer to help. The picaresque exist and are very persistent. On many occasions we have said no to these false guides and it's like give them the same.
This is definitely something that we must live mainly in large cities.
It is unwise to move large amounts of cash or valuables, especially in big cities like Tangier, Fez and Marrakesh.
Nor is it wise to teach a lot of money to pay for things of little value. So the taco is better than hidden and not bring forth in the portfolio.
The hotels are safe and allow for leaving the money saved before exiting.
I recommend you travel with suitcases are always key and leave it closed up tight when you go out of the room. If you put the same number you can check if you have tried to manipulate in the hotel room.
If you travel in private vehicles do not leave valuables in sight. They can break your glass.
In Morocco there are two types of police, the gendarmerie, whose officers wear gray uniforms, is responsible for controls on the main roads, at intersections and entrances to cities, similarly to the Guardia Civil.
Then there is the Surete Nationale in uniform or civilian navy, the equivalent of our national police. Either you can ask the passport, which must be worn at all times
The emergency number for police is number 19
Morocco is generally a safe country. There are police everywhere and its main task is to take care of tourism and prevent looting.
However it should be alert and wary of the many volunteer guides who offer to help. The picaresque exist and are very persistent. On many occasions we have said no to these false guides and it's like give them the same.
This is definitely something that we must live mainly in large cities.
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