La moneda de Marruecos es el dirham (dh). No cotiza en el mercado de divisas y su valor lo establece el Gobierno.
En el norte de Marruecos aceptan el euro prácticamente en todas partes. El tipo de cambio de calle es 1 € = 10 dh, esto es, si vas a una tienda o a un restaurante y pagas con un billete de 10 euros te darán la vuelta en dirhams de 100 dirhams.
Hoy día 10 dh equivalen a 1 €.aproximadamente, aunque su valor oficial oscile entre 10,70 y 11,20 dh por un euro aproximadamente.
¿Dónde cambiar?
Puedes cambiar en los hoteles, bancos y oficinas de cambio. La verdad es que hay diferencias importantes dependiendo de la ciudad donde realices el cambio.
Por ejemplo, se obtiene mejor cambio en Tánger que en Asilah o Chefchaouen. Si en Tánger consigues 11,38 dh/€, en los pueblos no consigues más de 11,20 dh/€.
También dentro de la ciudad, se obtiene por lo general mejor tipo de cambio en las tiendecillas especializadas de la calle que en los bancos o en las recepciones de los hoteles.
En definitiva, se cambia mejor por este orden: 1º Oficinas de cambio, 2º Bancos, 3º Recepcion de hoteles
Como en Marruecos la picaresca está a la orden del día, ten cuidado si alguien en la calle te ofrece un tipo de cambio superior al de mercado y muy atractivo. Es un timo y el truco está en que tienen una habilidad para contar billetes magnífica. De tal manera que tu ves que lo que te da es lo correcto, pero luego cuando abres la cartera y repasas notas que te faltan billetes. También ha ocurrido esto en alguna oficina de cambio. Por lo tanto debes contar con tus manos inmediatamente el dinero que recibes y por supuesto que DESCONFIA del que te ofrece un "peaso" de tipo de cambio en la calle.
El dirham se divide en 100 céntimos y a menudo los precios se expresan en céntimos y no en dirhams.
Las monedas que circulan son de 10, 20 y 50 céntimos, 1, 5, y 10 dirhams.
Los billetes en circulación son de 20, 50, 100 y 200 dh
Se pueden conseguir dirhams fácilmente en la recepción del hotel al tipo de cambio establecido oficialmente. También puedes cambiar cualquier banco.
Ten en cuenta que no se pueden sacar los dirhams del país. Para ello deberás cambiar los que te sobren en cualquier banco del puerto en la hora de espera que tienes antes del embarque. Están abiertos todos los días los bancos del puerto de Tánger. Bueno esto es un decir por que en realidad, nadie te mira si traes dirhams a España o no. Lo cierto es que si no piensas volver, lo mejor es que los cambies.
En el norte de Marruecos se acepta el tipo de cambio de 1 euro por 10 dirhams en todas partes. Cuando el que te dan en los bancos y hoteles es de 10,70 dirhams. Definitivamente os recomendamos que cambiéis a dirhams. Podéis hacerlo en la recepción del hotel el viernes cuando lleguéis o en un banco, pincha aquí para ver los horarios de apertura de los bancos
En el norte de Marruecos se acepta el tipo de cambio de 1 euro por 10 dirhams en todas partes. Cuando el que te dan en los bancos y hoteles es de 10,70 dirhams. Definitivamente os recomendamos que cambiéis a dirhams. Podéis hacerlo en la recepción del hotel el viernes cuando lleguéis o en un banco, pincha aquí para ver los horarios de apertura de los bancos
Dinero, Traveler´s checks y tarjetas de crédito
Recomendamos que lleves dinero en metálico porque algunos cajeros se tragan las tarjetas y no las devuelven.
Los cheques de viaje no son lo útiles que crees que son. Tan sólo valen en alguno hoteles de gran lujo y en determinados bancos.
The currency of Morocco is the dirham (dh). No trades on the forex market and its value is set by the Government.
In the north of Morocco to accept the euro almost everywhere. The exchange rate is 1 street = 10 dh €, that is, if you go to a store or restaurant and pay a $ 10 ticket will give you the return on 100 dirhams dirhams.Today 10 dh equals 1 €. Approximately, although its official value ranges between 10.70 and 11.20 euro for about dh.
Where can I change?You can change at hotels, banks and exchange offices. The truth is that there are important differences depending on the city where you make the change.For example, change is best achieved in Asilah Tangier and Chefchaouen. If you get 11.38 Tangier dh / €, people do not get more than 11.20 dh / €.
Also within the city, usually you get the best exchange rate in the little shops that specialized in street banks or in hotel lobbies.
In short, the best changes in this order: 1 exchange offices, 2 º Banks, 3rd Hotel Reception
CHANGE THE THYMUSAs in Morocco the rogue is the order of the day, take care if someone on the street offers a rate higher than the market and very attractive. It is a scam and the trick is to have a wonderful ability to have tickets. So that you see that what you give is correct, but then when you open your wallet and go over notes you have left notes. This has also occurred in some bureau de change. Therefore you have your hands immediately the money you receive and of course who distrust that offers a "peas" exchange rate on the street.
The dirham is divided into 100 cents, and often prices are quoted in cents rather than dirhams.
The coins in circulation are 10, 20 and 50 cents, 1, 5 and 10 dirhams.
Banknotes in circulation are 20, 50, 100 and 200 dh
You can get easily dirhams in the hotel reception to officially set exchange rate. You can also change any bank.
Please note that you can not remove the dirhams of the country. To do this you need to change any bank remaining in port waiting time you have before shipment. They are open every day the banks of the port of Tangier. Well this is a saying that no one really looks at you if you bring dirhams to Spain or not. The truth is that if you think back, it is best to change them.
In northern Morocco accepted the exchange rate of 1 euro for 10 dirhams everywhere. When you get at banks and hotels is 10.70 dirhams. I definitely recommend that you change to dirhams. You can do it at the front desk when you arrive on Friday or a bank, click here for opening hours of banks
Cash, Traveler's checks and credit cards
We recommend you bring cash because ATM swallowed some cards and not returned.
Traveler's checks are not what you think are useful. Worth only in some luxury hotels and in certain banks.
In the north of Morocco to accept the euro almost everywhere. The exchange rate is 1 street = 10 dh €, that is, if you go to a store or restaurant and pay a $ 10 ticket will give you the return on 100 dirhams dirhams.Today 10 dh equals 1 €. Approximately, although its official value ranges between 10.70 and 11.20 euro for about dh.
Where can I change?You can change at hotels, banks and exchange offices. The truth is that there are important differences depending on the city where you make the change.For example, change is best achieved in Asilah Tangier and Chefchaouen. If you get 11.38 Tangier dh / €, people do not get more than 11.20 dh / €.
Also within the city, usually you get the best exchange rate in the little shops that specialized in street banks or in hotel lobbies.
In short, the best changes in this order: 1 exchange offices, 2 º Banks, 3rd Hotel Reception
CHANGE THE THYMUSAs in Morocco the rogue is the order of the day, take care if someone on the street offers a rate higher than the market and very attractive. It is a scam and the trick is to have a wonderful ability to have tickets. So that you see that what you give is correct, but then when you open your wallet and go over notes you have left notes. This has also occurred in some bureau de change. Therefore you have your hands immediately the money you receive and of course who distrust that offers a "peas" exchange rate on the street.
The dirham is divided into 100 cents, and often prices are quoted in cents rather than dirhams.
The coins in circulation are 10, 20 and 50 cents, 1, 5 and 10 dirhams.
Banknotes in circulation are 20, 50, 100 and 200 dh
You can get easily dirhams in the hotel reception to officially set exchange rate. You can also change any bank.
Please note that you can not remove the dirhams of the country. To do this you need to change any bank remaining in port waiting time you have before shipment. They are open every day the banks of the port of Tangier. Well this is a saying that no one really looks at you if you bring dirhams to Spain or not. The truth is that if you think back, it is best to change them.
In northern Morocco accepted the exchange rate of 1 euro for 10 dirhams everywhere. When you get at banks and hotels is 10.70 dirhams. I definitely recommend that you change to dirhams. You can do it at the front desk when you arrive on Friday or a bank, click here for opening hours of banks
Cash, Traveler's checks and credit cards
We recommend you bring cash because ATM swallowed some cards and not returned.
Traveler's checks are not what you think are useful. Worth only in some luxury hotels and in certain banks.
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