Los platos típicos marroquíes son la harira y los tajines, guisos que reciben su nombre del recipiente de barro con tapadera de forma cónica en la que se cuecen las carnes, legumbres y pescados a fuego lento durante horas con aceite de oliva y especias. Un tajine de lujo que se suele preparar los días de fiesta es el de Ciruelas que se prepara con carne de cordero, almendras, sésamo y, como no, ciruelas, cuyo sabor mezcla de salado y dulce resulta delicioso. No menos deliciosos son el pollo al limón; el pastilla, pastel de carne de pichón especiada cubierta de hojaldre y salpicado de azúcar y canela; kebabs, las conocidas brochetas que se pueden tomar en restaurantes o en los populares puestos callejeros, trozos de carne de riñones, hígado de cordero o buey a la parrilla y las sabrosas keftas, muy similares a nuestras albóndigas pero preparadas con carnes muy sazonadas.
Para combatir el calor, también a la hora de comer, es recomendable la ensalada marroquí, origen del gazpacho andaluz, que suele presentarse cortada en trocitos y fuertemente especiada. Los yogures naturales dulces, cubiertos de melocotón, nectarinas o fresas naturales, son también otro plato refrescante.
Los pescados y mariscos son muy frescos, sardinas, camarones, gambas, mejillones, calamares, ostras y otras muchas delicias dignas de ser degustadas.
La cocina marroquí, considerada como la mejor del mundo árabe, es universalmente reconocida y apreciada y se puede degustar tanto en restaurantes de lujo como en los puestos callejeros o en los pequeños cafés-restaurantes que salpican cualquier ciudad.
Para el postre, la fruta fresca, dátiles, naranjas, clementinas, manzanas, ciruelas y otras variedades tropicales resultan excelentes pero además la repostería marroquí es magnífica, en su mayoría los dulces están hechos con almendras y miel, como el bastila, pastilla de hojaldre y leche de almendras, los deliciosos pasteles de miel, los cuernos de gacela, pasteles en forma de media luna rellenos de pasta de almendras, los feqqas con almendras y uvas pasas, los ghoriba con sésamo o almendras, los beghrir, especie de crêpes de nido de abeja servidos con mantequilla fundida y miel o los shebbakia, pasteles fritos en aceite y recubiertos de miel. Todo un placer.
Para el postre, la fruta fresca, dátiles, naranjas, clementinas, manzanas, ciruelas y otras variedades tropicales resultan excelentes pero además la repostería marroquí es magnífica, en su mayoría los dulces están hechos con almendras y miel, como el bastila, pastilla de hojaldre y leche de almendras, los deliciosos pasteles de miel, los cuernos de gacela, pasteles en forma de media luna rellenos de pasta de almendras, los feqqas con almendras y uvas pasas, los ghoriba con sésamo o almendras, los beghrir, especie de crêpes de nido de abeja servidos con mantequilla fundida y miel o los shebbakia, pasteles fritos en aceite y recubiertos de miel. Todo un placer.
Como bebidas se pueden tomar la cerveza del país o sus vinos, en especial los tintos que resultan muy buenos aunque también muy fuertes, también son de buena calidad los blancos, ácidos y los rosados como el Oustalet. Si se toma agua debe ser embotellada y si se tiene sed los zumos de fruta fresca son maravillosos.
Para después de comer o para tomar en cualquier momento ya que resulta delicioso nada mejor que un té a la menta, todo un placer, es un símbolo de hospitalidad así que se ofrece al visitante habitualmente como también se ofrece la leche acompañada de dátiles.
La cocina marroquí es muy variada y se adapta a la zona geográfica en que se desarrolla.
Moroccan cuisine is delicious, the preparation of fine dining with many ingredients such as spices, vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, tasty meats, fish and seafood to make eating a pleasure, all this must be added to desserts melt in your mouth just try.
The dishes are traditional Moroccan tagines and harira, stews that are named in the clay pot with conical lid in which cooked meats, vegetables and fish simmered for hours with olive oil and spices. A tajine is usually prepared luxury holidays Plum is prepared with lamb, almonds, sesame seeds and, of course, plums, the taste of salty and sweet mix is delicious. No less delightful are the lemon chicken, the pill, pigeon pie spiced pastry covered with sugar and sprinkled with cinnamon, kebabs, skewers the known can be taken at popular restaurants or stalls, pieces of meat kidneys, liver, lamb or beef grilled and tasty kefta, very similar to our meatballs but highly seasoned meats prepared.
The dishes are traditional Moroccan tagines and harira, stews that are named in the clay pot with conical lid in which cooked meats, vegetables and fish simmered for hours with olive oil and spices. A tajine is usually prepared luxury holidays Plum is prepared with lamb, almonds, sesame seeds and, of course, plums, the taste of salty and sweet mix is delicious. No less delightful are the lemon chicken, the pill, pigeon pie spiced pastry covered with sugar and sprinkled with cinnamon, kebabs, skewers the known can be taken at popular restaurants or stalls, pieces of meat kidneys, liver, lamb or beef grilled and tasty kefta, very similar to our meatballs but highly seasoned meats prepared.
To beat the heat, also lunchtime, we recommend the salad Moroccan Andalusian gazpacho origin, usually seen cut into small pieces and heavily spiced. The sweet natural yoghurt, covered with peaches, nectarines or strawberries natural, are also another dish refreshing.
Fish and seafood are very fresh, sardines, shrimp, prawns, mussels, squid, oysters and many other delicacies worth tasting.
Moroccan cuisine is considered the best in the Arab world, is universally recognized and appreciated and can enjoy both fine dining and street stalls or small restaurants cafes that dot every city.
DessertsFor dessert, fresh fruit, dates, oranges, clementines, apples, plums and other tropical varieties are excellent but also the magnificent Moroccan pastries, most sweets are made with almonds and honey, as the Shan, pastilla pastry and almond milk, delicious honey cakes, gazelle horns, cake crescent shaped pasta stuffed with almonds, almonds and grapes feqqas with raisins, almonds or sesame ghoriba, the beghrir, sort of crepes honeycomb served with melted butter and honey or shebbakia, cakes fried in oil and coated with honey. A real pleasure. BeveragesAs drinks can make beer or wine country, especially the reds are very good but also very strong, are also of good quality white, pink and acid as the Oustalet. If you take bottled water should be and if you are thirsty fresh fruit juices are wonderful.
After a meal or drink at any time because it is nothing like a delicious mint tea, a pleasure, is a symbol of hospitality and the visitor is offered routinely as milk is also offered together with dates.
Moroccan cuisine is varied and adapted to the geographical area in which it operates.
Fish and seafood are very fresh, sardines, shrimp, prawns, mussels, squid, oysters and many other delicacies worth tasting.
Moroccan cuisine is considered the best in the Arab world, is universally recognized and appreciated and can enjoy both fine dining and street stalls or small restaurants cafes that dot every city.
DessertsFor dessert, fresh fruit, dates, oranges, clementines, apples, plums and other tropical varieties are excellent but also the magnificent Moroccan pastries, most sweets are made with almonds and honey, as the Shan, pastilla pastry and almond milk, delicious honey cakes, gazelle horns, cake crescent shaped pasta stuffed with almonds, almonds and grapes feqqas with raisins, almonds or sesame ghoriba, the beghrir, sort of crepes honeycomb served with melted butter and honey or shebbakia, cakes fried in oil and coated with honey. A real pleasure. BeveragesAs drinks can make beer or wine country, especially the reds are very good but also very strong, are also of good quality white, pink and acid as the Oustalet. If you take bottled water should be and if you are thirsty fresh fruit juices are wonderful.
After a meal or drink at any time because it is nothing like a delicious mint tea, a pleasure, is a symbol of hospitality and the visitor is offered routinely as milk is also offered together with dates.
Moroccan cuisine is varied and adapted to the geographical area in which it operates.
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