Al ser Marruecos un país islámico el alcohol está prohibido, no se encuentra en todos sitios como en España, suele ser caro y mejor que os llevéis las botellas desde España.
Los barcos a Tánger disponen de tienda libre de impuestos y venden alcohol a precio buen precio. El máximo permitido por persona es una botella de litro.
En Marruecos, la cerveza por excelencia, por que es la más barata también, es la Flag Special, suele costar 15 dh (un euro y medio) en los restaurantes, aunque en las licorerías las podéis comprar por 8 (80 centimos de euro) dh.
Otra marca muy buena es Casablanca, aunque más cara (22 dh) aunque no la tienen en todos lados.
Las copas mejor que os las toméis de vuestra botella, incluso me atrevería a decir que usarais petaca, el garrafón abunda.
Está prohibido beber en la calle, así que ni se os ocurra hacer un botellón si no queréis tener líos.
En Chaouen no hay licorería, será por que es un ciudad santa. En el parador están los botellines a 30 dh así que si os gusta beber cervecitas, mejor que os las lleveis desde España o las compréis en algun hipermercado cuando paséis por Tetuán.
El tabaco es más caro en Marruecos que en España, salvo el de contrabando que a veces resulta hasta más barato que en España.
Recomendamos comprarlo en la tienda libre de impuestos del barco a la ida a Tánger, o bien en Ceuta.
Un paquete de winston cuesta 1,7 € en el barco mientras que en Marruecos vale 35 dirhams. Es decir, casi la mitad
Tanto a la ida como a la vuelta no dejan pasar más de un cartón por persona. No obstante en el barco siempre te dirán que dos.
Si llevas más tabaco de lo permitido, según les coja el día a la benemérita, podrá llegar a su destino,o no. En Marruecos la policía es más permisiva y no registran tanto a los turistas cuando entran en el país.
Being an Islamic country Morocco alcohol is forbidden, is not like everywhere in Spain, is expensive and better than the bottles you bring forth from Spain.
Boats to Tangier have duty-free shop and sell alcohol cheaply priced. The maximum allowed per person is one liter bottle.
In Morocco, beer par excellence, because it's the cheapest too, is the Special Flag, usually cost 15 dh (a dollar and a half) in restaurants, although the liquor stores you can buy for 8 (80 cents) dh.
Another good brand is Casablanca, but more expensive (22 dh) but not have it everywhere.
The best drinks you take of your you the bottle, dare I say usarais flask, the carafe abounds.
It is forbidden to drink on the street, so do not even think of making a bottle if you will not have trouble.
In Chaouen no liquor will be because it is a holy city. In the hostel there are the bottles at 30 dh so if you like to drink beers, the best that you bring forth from Spain or buy in any supermarket when you pass by Tetuan.
The snuff is more expensive in Morocco than in Spain, except contraband is sometimes even cheaper than in Spain.
We recommend buying it in the duty free shop on the way the boat to Tangier or Ceuta.
A package costs € 1.7 winston on the boat while in Morocco worth 35 dirhams. That is, almost half
Both the outward and return do not let more than one card per person. However, in the boat always tell you two.
If you take more snuff than allowed, as they take the day to the worthy, you can reach your destination or not. In Morocco, the police are more permissive and not record both the tourists as they enter the country.
Boats to Tangier have duty-free shop and sell alcohol cheaply priced. The maximum allowed per person is one liter bottle.
In Morocco, beer par excellence, because it's the cheapest too, is the Special Flag, usually cost 15 dh (a dollar and a half) in restaurants, although the liquor stores you can buy for 8 (80 cents) dh.
Another good brand is Casablanca, but more expensive (22 dh) but not have it everywhere.
The best drinks you take of your you the bottle, dare I say usarais flask, the carafe abounds.
It is forbidden to drink on the street, so do not even think of making a bottle if you will not have trouble.
In Chaouen no liquor will be because it is a holy city. In the hostel there are the bottles at 30 dh so if you like to drink beers, the best that you bring forth from Spain or buy in any supermarket when you pass by Tetuan.
The snuff is more expensive in Morocco than in Spain, except contraband is sometimes even cheaper than in Spain.
We recommend buying it in the duty free shop on the way the boat to Tangier or Ceuta.
A package costs € 1.7 winston on the boat while in Morocco worth 35 dirhams. That is, almost half
Both the outward and return do not let more than one card per person. However, in the boat always tell you two.
If you take more snuff than allowed, as they take the day to the worthy, you can reach your destination or not. In Morocco, the police are more permissive and not record both the tourists as they enter the country.